I had a sudden vision of a huge object coming toward me from nowhere; I even dodged back to elude the impact, before I understood there was nothing there.
Connected path
Stairs, as in the great people filter. Now take an inferential staircase, evolution: successful changes form a long, connected path, upwards to complexity, where the view is improved as you climb up.
Unwanted visits. Back from the operating room, the last thing I wanted was for them to know I was already awake.
Happiness, as in absence of fear; cold fear, in absence of heat, of light; the abyss of absence.
I can't
Should enjoy the wait. But why should it take so long. Don't make me wait. I can't wait anymore. But you do, don't you, provided that you have confidence.
The cage
Around that time, I was under the impression that they saw through me completely.
Beauty is absence of pain; that you may paint with poetry, spring, hope, motivation, dreams to conform the whole.