Test Your Might

Description: Totally playable version of the famous "Test Your Might" mini-game from MK1... and you can even choose from all of the seven original characters, using completely original drawings of each. Try and find the hidden warrior, Pumpclops.
File Format: Flash
Author: PsychoX_02568
Home Page: Enigmatic Cartoons |
Test Your Might

Description: As Scorpion, play another "Test Your Might" mini-game - this one using MK1 sprites. What sets this one apart is that you use the mouse clicks to build up your force, making it pretty hard - but fun! Give it a try.
File Format: Flash
Author: Frost_666 |
Test Your Might 2

Description: An updated version of the previous game. This one is excellent because it has a very authentic MK1-style Character Select! A must play!
File Format: Flash
Author: Frost_666 |
Test Your Might

Description: Play another "Test Your Might" mini-game - this one also using MK1 sprites and playing as Scorpion. See if you can find the elusive Ermac - he's in here, I swear!
File Format: Shockwave
Author: Bleed |
Test Your Sight

Description: As Sub-Zero, play the "Test Your Sight" mini-game from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. The best part is how a different thing will happen to you for each "wrong" choice you make.
File Format: Flash
Author: JoRdAnMaN
Home Page: JoRdAnMaNs MK |
Test Your Sight

Description: Another recreation of the "Test Your Sight" mini-game from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. What's good about this one is ability so select between four different players!
File Format: Flash
Author: Jakle2 |

Description: How about this - a Hangman game devoted completely to using only Mortal Kombat keywords! Saved this off of the classic MK site, Sektor's MK Page (which sadly no longer exists). Nostalgic MK fans will enjoy this one.
File Format: JavaScript
Author: Sektor |
MK Concentration

Description: Everyone knows the classic game, Concentration. Now, play it using your favorite Mortal Kombat characters from MK: Deception and MK: Deadly Alliance!
File Format: JavaScript
Author: Jarod
Home Page: Mortal Kombat Redencion |
MK Build-a-Stick

Description: Make your own MK characters out of stick figures! You can make authentic MK characters or mix-and-match to create your own.
File Format: Flash
Author: Torchia
Home Page: Demon Project |
Get Back At Cage

Description: Kick Johnny Cage in the nuts. Over and over and over....
File Format: Flash
Author: Spectre |
Ermac Invasion

Description: The energy of a bunch of Outworld soldiers has come together, and now an invasion of Ermacs has arrived at your PC!
File Format: Flash
Author: RaidenMK
Home Page: El Reino de Mortal Kombat |
Scorpion RPG

Description: An RPG game involving Scorpion. Kinda short, the animation of the sprites might need a bit of work, but it's definitely worth playing, even if I do give out the ending in the thumbnail. Check it out!
The music was done by Bezou.
File Format: Flash
Author: CUCKA_DUDE |
Scorpion's Quest

Description: Very similar to CUCKA_Dude's Scorpion RPG above; who inspired this and in fact gave programming tips for this game. Seems like it's one of those "To be continued" things. The scene near the end is pretty neat, too.
File Format: Flash
Author: MaxyBoy
Home Page: Angel Studios |
Bloody Rage

Description: A great Flash game involving characters from a bunch of different series: Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Tomb Raider, Marvel and D.C. superheroes, Star Wars, Dragonball Z, Transformers, Jason/Freddy, and more! Highly recommended.
File Format: Flash
Author: SESS NET
Home Page: SESS.NET |
Street Kombat

Description: Ryu vs Scorpion (this was way before it became as popular an idea as it is today). Kinda basic, but great concept, the Genesis music is nice because it's seldom used in projects such as these.
File Format: Flash
Author: Melatonin_uk
Home Page: ErrorWeb |
Create A Fatality (Demo)

Description: In this Flash game, you can select Johnny Cage, Kitana, or Baraka to kill Reptile. From the select screen, you can see that even more MK characters are planed. You have a variety of ways to mix and match attacks to do Fatalities on your opponent, much like in the upcoming MK Armageddon. Can't wait for the real thing!
File Format: Flash
Author: JoRdAnMaN
Home Page: JoRdAnMaNs MK |
MKII Massacre (Demo)

Description: An updated version of the Create-A-Fatality game, this one features Liu Kang and Kung Lao only, along with an updated version of the Living Forest. This one has special moves that your character can actually perform. Give it a try!
File Format: Flash
Author: JoRdAnMaN
Home Page: JoRdAnMaNs MK |
Cyrax Turnbased

Description: Playing as Cyrax against Kung Lao, using a turn-based system ala Final Fantasy, you have a variety of moves at your disposal!
File Format: Flash
Author: Skein
Home Page: Fighting Connection |
Cyrax Turnbased Final Tuned Demo

Description: An updated version, this time still playing as Cyrax but against Sub-Zero, you have a slightly bigger variety of moves at your disposal in your fight - including a Fatality!
File Format: Flash
Author: Skein
Home Page: Fighting Connection |
Cyrax Turnbased Final Tuned

Description: The final version of the game, with the same arsenal of moves as before, you now fight against four different opponents: Sub-Zero, Sonya, Kung Lao, and Jax!
File Format: Flash
Author: Skein
Home Page: Fighting Connection |
Test Your Time

Description: Using your mouse, click the appropriate buttons on the on-screen controller to execute a Fatality! Some people will find this more challenging than others. Hint: Try and find both Fatalites!
File Format: Flash
Author: Sub-Ciro
Home Page: Sub-Ciro's Lair of Fake Pics |
Kustom Kombat

Description: One of those neat little things where you can use the pre-selected sprites and backgrounds to create your own scene. Good for ideas and inspiration and such, or if you're really lazy, a good way to make fakes.
File Format: Flash
Author: crazycor13
Home Page: crazycor13's Newgrounds Page |
MK Scene Creator

Description: Another one of those "Make your own fake" thingies - using the pre-selected sprites + backgrounds, make your own fake. Again, a good way to make fake pics if you're lazy or even just to get inspiration. This one includes music!
File Format: Flash
Author: soldierside |
MK Snake

Description: Here's something that hasn't been done before - an MK-themed "Snake" game! With Reptile as the Snake, and a skull as the food that you eat, that's pretty much all there is to it. An addictive game already, this is definitely worth checking out!
File Format: Flash
Author: Jimbo Limbo |
Noob Saibot's Kreate-A-Fatality

Description: Here's something cool - a remix, if you will - of MKA's Kreate-A-Fatality mode using UMK3 sprites. While this one has fewer characters available then JoRdAnMaN's, this feels a lot more completed and has more bells and whistles.
File Format: Flash
Author: Tim Reeves
Home Page: TimsMK |
Noob Saibot's Kreate-A-Fatality (Version 2)

Description: Here's an update to the Noob Saibot KAF game, featuring a new interface for the main menu, custom mode and movelists, and some added tutorials.
File Format: Flash
Author: Tim Reeves
Home Page: TimsMK |
MK Karnage (Demo)

Description: Here's another game, although not a Kreate-A-Fatality, it's really a new fighting game. This one's better than ever, with an infinite forest background with no corners, new cool looking moves with very clever use of the sprites, and more!
File Format: Flash
Author: Tim Reeves
Home Page: TimsMK |
MK Karnage (Demo 2)

Description: The next playable version of Tim's fighting engine, this one's awesome, with even more kustomized infinite 2D backgrounds (no corners), three playable characters (Kitana, Sub-Zero, and Noob Saibot), new game modes, and much more!
File Format: Flash
Author: Tim Reeves
Home Page: TimsMK |
MK Karnage (Demo 3)

Description: The next playable version of Tim's fighting engine, komes with two additional players – fan favorites Nightwolf and Kabal! Plus, new special moves, game modes, backgrounds, music, it just keeps getting better!
File Format: Flash
Author: Tim Reeves
Home Page: TimsMK |
Fuck MK

Description: Shoot at random Strykers, Scorpions, and Liu Kangs as they go by.
File Format: Flash
Author: Bhograj
Home Page: Bhograj's Newgrounds Page |
Custom Kombat

Description: Assemble random sprites and props from various MK games to put together your own scene.
File Format: Flash
Author: Loopas
Home Page: Loopas's Newgrounds Page |
Scorpion Fatality: The Game

Description: As Scorpion, use your mouse to aim your head and breathe fire all over Liu Kang until he burns to death.
File Format: Flash
Author: superawesomeness |
Sub-Zero's Freezing Jump: The Game

Description: As Sub-Zero, use your mouse to fight against Sheeva... first to decide where you're going to freeze her, then where to land on her to crush her to pieces!
File Format: Flash
Author: superawesomeness |
MK Choice

Description: As Sub-Zero, you must choose your destiny. Will you engage in Kombat, or go to a dance party? If you die, will you go to Heaven, or Hell? If you choose Hell, will you run into Satan from South Park?
File Format: Flash
Author: Exovedate
Home Page: shadow-chiller's Newgrounds Page |
Super Crossover Bros.

Description: Kind of a game, almost more of an interactive movie. As Pac-Man, you will crossover into different games and encounter Mario, Samus Aran, Liu Kang, and more!
File Format: Flash
Author: FriendlyWarlord
Home Page: FriendlyWarlord's Newgrounds Page |
Voter Kombat

Description: Trying to vote on one of New York's 40-year-old lever voting machines can feel like mortal combat. Try to beat the machine by using your hands and feet. Also, be sure to check out their Voting Arcade for more semi-educational political video game satire!
File Format: Flash
Home Page: Gotham Gazette |
Kung-Fu Election

Description: Instead of actually voting during Election 2008, why not just pit the various candidates against one another in a fight to the death? Choose between Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, and John McCain in this game that was featured on AtomFilms!
File Format: Flash
Author: Starvingeyes Advergaming & BrandFirst Entertainment
Home Page: Kung-Fu Election |
South Park: Asskicker

Description: Choose between your favorite South Park characters - Kyle, Butters, Cartman, Jesus, Satan, Mrs. Garrison, Chef, Stan, and Kenny! Featuring a bunch of backgrounds that are taken almost directly from the 2D Mortal Kombat games! Can you find the elusive hidden character, Tweek?
File Format: Flash
Author: QB9
Home Page: South Park Studios |
Mortal Katapult

Description: Can you launch Baby Sheeva out of a cannon in such a way that she hits as many nets, bombs, and grinding gears as possible?
File Format: Flash
Author: ScheissNUssen
Home Page: ScheissNUssen's Newgrounds Page |
Sub-Zero Killer

Description: A beta version of a game that's soon to be? Choose from four different fatalities in this easy-to-play multiple choice game starring Sub-Zero!
File Format: Flash
Author: fatalitymaster |